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Den Udødelige Sømand
archive #2
aarhus, denmark

Den Udødelige Sømand (The Immortal Sailor) centres on the intriguing life of Christian Drakenberg, a certain Norwegian sailor who supposedly lived to the grand old age of 145 years and died in Århus in 1744. Following his impossibly long lifetime and beyond, this collection of 7 songs - written in Danish - explores the power of imagination, the downfalls of pride and the addictive lure of self-mythology. Prepare for a beguiling adventure through time that delves between soundworlds old and new...
The recording of this album has been supported by crowdfunding - so a massive thank-you to everyone who contributed! We couldn't have done it without you.

We also made
some really nice merch for the release - send us a message if you're interested in getting your hands on either a t-shirt or an illustrated lyric booklet with Danish-English translation!
LIVE FROM fregatten JYlland / 25.09.19
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